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Jean Cooke, RA. Mysterious Blackheath Artist. I never Cry & I never Laugh

Join us for a talk on the enigmatic artist Jean Cooke, RA to be given by Art Historian and author Frances Borzello at Blackheath High School, Wemyss Road. This follows the successful exhibition held last year at the Garden Museum of Jean’s garden paintings which many members visited.

Art historian and author Frances Borzello will throw  some light on the  life and work of Blackheath artist Jean Cooke whose paintings have recently  begun to attract a lot of attention.

Frances has written several books on the connections between art and life, which include “The Naked Nude”, a study of the new face of the contemporary nude . “Seeing Ourselves”, a history of women artists’ self portraits , and due out this  autumn, “A World of Our Own”, a study of how women artists managed to work in a man’s world. All these interests have fed into her investigation of the combination of the prosaic and the mysterious which makes up  the artist known as Jean Cooke.

The evening is organised in conjunction with Blackheath High School as Jean and her daughter are alumnae of the school and lived in Blackheath. 

Tickets £15, includes wine and canapes, available via the link below